Suffolk County Ambulance Chiefs Association (SCACA) was founded in 1980 and is comprised of the Chief Officers and Ex-Chiefs of the 27 Volunteer Ambulance Companies that serve Suffolk County.
SCACA has voting member representation on the Suffolk County Regional EMS Council and the Suffolk County Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services Commission.
SCACA is pro-active in lobbying for laws, legislation and benefits for the Volunteer Ambulance Service on the State, County and local levels of government.
Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month except July, August and December.
Ambulance Agencies in Suffolk:
Contact Us
Suffolk County Ambulance Chiefs Association
PO Box 145
Medford, NY 11763
Executive Board
President: Scott Crosby
Vice-President: Barry Vicik
Secretary: Amanda Zilnicki-Ceckowski
Treasurer: Drew Silverman
Director: Bruce Talmage
Director: Bryan Prosek
Director: Tony Neazer